This year, Singapore will be introduced to new legislation, requiring major hazard installations (MHIs) to prepare and submit safety cases to the authorities for review.

This is why the IChemE’s Hazards 2016 Singapore conference took place between 16-18 May, it brought together international speakers familiar with how safety case regimes work, and examined the various components required to make a safety case a reality. Local and overseas presenters were specially selected to share their views on topics such as hazards identification, mechanical & asset integrity, risk assessments and human factors.

MMI were pleased to be part of the line-up at Singapore’s first Hazards conference – with Alan Munn from our Kuala Lumpur office and Garry Law from our Melbourne office both presenting during the event. MMI also sponsored the cocktail reception that concluded the first day.

During the break-out session on May 16, Alan presented his paper on ‘ALARP’ – which ultimately addressed common misunderstandings surrounding the principle of ‘As Low As Reasonably Practicable.’ Alan explained the link between risk criteria and ALARP, discussed how to consider residual risk when existing risk reduction controls are in place, and how to determine if additional measures could achieve ALARP. The next day, Garry presented on ‘Alarm Management.’ Garry discussed the Alarm Management problem in the chemical industry, explained the magnitude of the problem, why the problem exists, and what could be done about it. He also touched upon the human factors aspects – including user Interface issues, related guidance and standards, and how to develop a program to correct the situation.